Violence and Beauty

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Hey kids, the saga continues. Cape Trib was awesome, Fitzroy Island was completely ghetto, and overall the bar scene in Cairns sucks. There isn't much to do, and I seem to get hassled by straight men at every opportunity. What generally happens is this:

1. I dance.
2. Girls notice.
3. I dance some more.
4. Their boyfriends notice.
5. I get shit.

Hey buddy, I'm not interested in your blonde tips, black roots, overtanned, undertalented, far too fashionable Cosmo reader girlfriends. So stop giving me shit and let me dance to my techno. And you never remember the nice part of the night, you only remember the douchebags. Oh well. I got my dive certification, and PK's Jungle Village, the hostel I stayed at in Cape Trib, was filled with cool people, and when I danced, people complimented me. That was really nice. I think it's funny that there can be a dancefloor full of girls and I'm the only guy who is brave enough to dance.

Hey guys, it's not that scary! Just move it to the music. :)

Anyway, here's a bit about Cape Tribulation: it's a gorgeous place where "the rainforest meets the reef." It's true. The rainforest comes right down from the mountains, hits a beach, and then it's the reef, not too far off shore! I did some horseback riding and sea kayaking, as well as estuary crossing, rainforest walking, beach wandering, and sightseeing! Hopefully the photos will come out well!

I also just made the longest commute ever completed by a college drama student for rehearsal. I woke up at 4:30 AM in Cairns to jump on a plane at 6:00 to take off at 6:30 to to Brisbane at 9:00 to get back to Emmanuel College at 9:30 to grab my costume to walk to rehearsal at 10:00. So essentially, I flew a few hundred kilometers to rehearse, as well as spending an extra 150 dollars on a new plane flight when I found out that I had to be home earlier and my old ticket couldn't be refunded. I got jet lagged, and I didn't even leave the time zone...

But it all paid off! Tomorrow's opening night and we are ALL SET! It's going to be beautiful, and there's going to be a video!

Meanwhile, I received some excellent advice about my little Kat-crush from my friend Russ. He told me to just be organic, not to force anything, just be who I am... let it happen, whatever "it" might be. So that's what I'm doing.