Violence and Beauty

Monday, October 24, 2005

If you don't get the historical references, research the Rape of Nanking. It'll blow your fucking mind, I promise you.

Yellow to Red

How do you turn a Yellow River
Build a boat fleet of bodies,
Blood for ballast.
Launch them a thousand at a time.
A trail of crimson sediment –
It seeps slowly
and crawls.

How do you turn my yellow flesh
Tear it open.
Bayonets break bone
Fathers forced to rape daughters
An iniquitous landscape painted by soldiers’ eyes.
A stain spread
through history’s bedsheets.
An ugly red splotch on a
nightmare timeline.
The walls of Nanking are still falling.

How do you turn my yellow flesh
Coverup can’t hide this
blood throbbing, accumulated.
A heavy blush.
Decades heavy.
Corpse heavy.

If a moment is forgotten,
Does it ever really end?
Open mouth, stifled scream.
A slaughter forgotten, yet
younger than my grandmother.
If a girl never stops running,
If a soldier never stops killing,
Can a rape go on forever?

For Iris Chang

Hey guys!

First new post in a while. I'll put a new poem up soon, I PROMISE, but you have to promise to come see me at my featured reading at Expresso Joe's in Keyport! It's located here: 50 W. Front St., Keyport, NJ 07735.

The reading is on Sunday, November 13 from 3-5 PM. I'm somewhere in there with a 15 minute slot. Come by. Check it out. :)